Saturday, August 31, 2013

71-Magic Square-6 (Jumbo magic square)

A) Magic square using sketches of 3x3 on 4x4

We have already learned how to build the magic square using magic Sketch. Now using various types of magic sketches, we can prepare the magic square of large sizes. We can call these magic squares “jumbo magic squares”. 

Using “3 x 3” & “4 x 4” magic sketches we can prepare a magic square of “12 x 12” houses. There are two ways to build magic squares using this concept.
    1)     Using the adjoining sketch of “4 x 4” as the base and considering each point as a square of “3 x 3” houses, we will prepare the sketch for  “12 x 12” and accordingly we will complete the jumbo magic square of 144 houses (12 x 12). In place of point “A”, Joinpoint “B” of this magic sketch with point “A” of the next point of the base sketch. In the same manner, we will fix all 16 squares reaching the last point of the base sketch. See the following diagram.

Here we can prepare two types of magic squares.
1) Slowly increase the magic square with a 3x3 sketch on a 4x4
Here base sketch is a 4x4 magic sketch and on this base, we are implementing the magic sketch of 3x3.
2) Uniformly increasing magic square with a 3x3 sketch on a 4x4
Here base sketch is a 4x4 magic sketch and on this base, we are implementing the magic sketch of 3x3.

B) Magic square using sketches of 4x4 on 3x3

Using the adjoining sketch of “3 x 3” as the base and considering each point as a square of “4 x 4” houses, we will prepare the sketch for  “12 x 12” and accordingly we will complete the jumbo magic square of 144 houses. (12 x 12). In place of point “A”, Joinpoint “B” of this magic sketch with point “A” of the next point of the base sketch. In the same manner, we will fix all 16 squares reaching the last point of the base sketch. See the following diagram.
Here we can prepare two types of magic squares. 
1) Slowly increase the magic square with a 4x4 sketch on 3x3
Here base sketch is a 3x3 magic sketch and on this base, we are implementing the magic sketch of 4x4.
2) Uniformly increasing magic square with a 4x4 sketch on 3x3
Here base sketch is a 3x3 magic sketch and on this base, we are implementing the magic sketch of 4x4.