a) Click here for "01-Degree-2-Degree-Minute-Second-n-Radian-converter"
b) Click here for "02-Degree-Minute-Second-2-Degree-n-Radian-converter"
c) Click here for "03-Radian-2-Degree-n-Degree-Minute-Second-converter"
1) Directed Angles:

The initial arm rotates through a certain amount of rotation in the clockwise or anti-clockwise direction to the terminal arm then this amount of rotation is called the measure of the directed angle and such an angle is called the directed angle.
The directed angle AOB has ray OA as an initial arm and ray OB as the terminal arm. O is called a vertex of an angle AOB.
1) Here, Angle AOB ≠ Angle BOA even if they have the same amount of rotation.
2) If the rotation of the initial arm is anticlockwise, the directed angle is positive and if it is clockwise then the angle is negative.
See the figure carefully to understand the concept.