Thursday, July 30, 2015

91-Magic Square-12 (Software (5 x 5) part-3)

This is the third part of the 5x5 magic square software.

You can enter any 5 numbers between -9999 to 9999 (actually you can enter any number, but for the betterment of the look of the sheet, this restriction is implemented in the software) of your choice in the first row. The software will give you two different magic squares with your chosen numbers in 1 st row. These two magic squares have 120 types of the same addition.

Now the software is uploaded and ready to use.

Broken Diagonals
Different Patterns

Click the following button for the software of magic squares of order 5 x 5.

5x5 magic square software

Now we will see all the properties of 5 x 5 magic squares one by one. Let us see the magic squares in which we choose the first row with the numbers 9, 21, 34, 45, and 56. The following two magic squares will be obtained by the software. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

90-Magic Square-11 (Software (5 x 5) part-2)

Prepare your own two magic squares of 5 rows and 5 columns in which the first row is of your choice. You can enter any 5 numbers between -9999 to 9999 (actually you can enter any number, but for the betterment of the look of the sheet, this restriction is implemented in the software) of your choice in the first row. The software will give you two different magic squares with your chosen numbers in 1 st row. These two magic squares have 120 types of the same addition.
Broken Diagonals
Different Patterns

Click the following button for the software of magic squares of order 5 x 5.

5x5 magic square software

Now we will see all the properties of 5 x 5 magic squares one by one. Let us see the magic squares in which we choose the first row with the numbers 9, 21, 34, 45, and 56. The following two magic squares will be obtained by the software. 

4) Addition of all the numbers in the Broken Diagonals: (13 to 20)

     a) First Broken Diagonal: (13/20)

09 + 33 + 54 + 23 + 46 = 165         09 + 18 + 38 + 46 + 54 = 165

     b) Second Broken Diagonal: (14/20)

44 + 21 + 52 + 36 + 12 = 165         36 + 21 + 12 + 52 + 44 = 165

     c) Third Broken Diagonal: (15/20)

24 + 55 + 34 + 10 + 42 = 165         55 + 47 + 34 + 19 + 10 = 165

     d) Forth Broken Diagonal: (16/20)

53 + 32 + 13 + 45 + 22 = 165         22 + 08 + 53 + 45 + 37 = 165

     e) Fifth Broken Diagonal: (17/20)

56 + 44 + 32 + 23 + 10 = 165         56 + 36 + 08 + 46 + 19 = 165

     f) Sixth Broken Diagonal: (18/20)

45 + 33 + 24 + 11 + 52 = 165         45 + 18 + 55 + 35 + 12 = 165

     g) Seventh Broken Diagonal: (19/20)

34 + 20 + 12 + 53 + 46 = 165         34 + 11 + 44 + 22 + 54 = 165

     h) Eighth Broken Diagonal: (20/20)

21 + 13 + 54 + 42 + 35 = 165         21 + 53 + 38 + 10 + 43 = 165

The remaining 100 types of different patterns of addition will be published in the next blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

89-Magic Square-10 (Software (5 x 5) part-1)

Prepare your own two magic squares of 5 rows and 5 columns in which the first row is of your choice. You can enter any 5 numbers between -9999 to 9999 (actually you can enter any number, but for the betterment of the look of the sheet, this restriction is implemented in the software) of your choice in the first row. The software will give you two different magic squares with your chosen numbers in 1 st row. These two magic squares have 120 types of the same addition.

Broken Diagonals
Different Patterns

Click the following button for the software of magic squares of order 5 x 5.

5x5 magic square software
Now we will see all the properties of 5 x 5 magic squares one by one. Let us see the magic squares in which we choose the first row with the numbers 9, 21, 34, 45, and 56. The following two magic squares will be obtained by the software. 

Now we will see all types of addition:

1) Addition of all the numbers in the Rows: (1 to 5)

     a) First Row: (1/5)

09 + 21 + 34 + 45 + 56 = 165         09 + 21 + 34 + 45 + 56 = 165

     b) Second Row: (2/5)

44 + 55 + 13 + 20 + 33 = 165         36 + 47 + 53 + 11 + 18 = 165

     c) Third Row: (3/5)

24+ 32 + 43 + 54 + 54 = 165         55 + 47 + 20 + 38 + 44 = 165

     d) Forth Row: (4/5)

55+ 11 + 23 + 36 + 42 = 165         22 + 35 + 46 + 52 + 10 = 165

    e) Fifth Row: (5/5)

35+ 46 + 52 + 10 + 22 = 165         43 + 54 + 12 + 19 + 37 = 165

2) Addition of all the numbers in the Columns: (6 to 10)

     a) First Column: (6/10)

09+ 44 + 24 + 53 + 35 = 165         09 + 36 + 55 + 22 + 43 = 165

     b) Second Column: (7/10)

21+ 55 + 32 + 11 + 46 = 165         21 + 47 + 08 + 35 + 54 = 165

     c) Third Column: (8/10)

34+ 13 + 43 + 23 + 52 = 165         34 + 53 + 20 + 46 + 12 = 165

     d) Forth Column: (9/10)

45 + 20 + 54 + 36 + 10 = 165         45 + 11 + 38 + 52 + 19 = 165

     e) Fifth Column: (10/10)

56 + 33 + 12 + 42 + 22 = 165         56 + 18 + 44 + 10 + 37 = 165

3) Addition of all the numbers in the Diagonals: (11 to 12)

     a) First Diagonal: (11/12)

09 + 55 + 43 + 36 + 22 = 165         09 + 47 + 20 + 52 + 37 = 165

     b) Second Diagonal: (12/12)

56 + 20 + 43 + 11 + 35 = 165         56 + 11 + 20 + 35 + 43 = 165
8 types of broken diagonal addition and 100 types of different patterns of addition will be published in the next blog.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

88-Code of Click-Button for Blog or Website

While writing the blogs, I want to place a "button" to open the corresponding site, I found one interesting method to write the code for this button.

Click on the following button to go to the software to get the code.

For the software, follow the following instructions step by step.


Friday, June 12, 2015

87-Derivative-Integration Calculator

We know that every one of us has a list of formulae of so many mathematical theories from so many sources. This blog will give you the derivative integration calculator, which displays the derivative and integration of the function which you choose from the drop-down menu of the calculator.

Click on the following button:

The list of all the functions and their derivatives and integration is given below.

Friday, May 22, 2015

86-Area Volume Calculation Tool

Special Note: The Following link will help you to get all the calculations that are based on two values given by you.

The most amazing part of this blog is that you will get all calculated values such as perimeters, area volume, curved surface area, and total surface area, using the software of which the link is provided here.

Click on the following Button for Area Volume Calculator:

Area Volume Calculator

Friday, May 8, 2015

85-Magic Square-9 (magic square of some particular date Part-3)

The most amazing part of this blog is that you can prepare your own two Magic Squares using the software for which the link is provided here.

You can prepare magic squares simply by clicking the following images.

A) Magic Square Maker for any Date:

Date Magic Square Maker

B) Magic Square Maker for Any Numbers:

Number Magic Square Maker

In the previous blog, we observed, the addition of all the numbers in other patterns 1, 2, and 3.
Today we will discuss some new concepts of the magic square.

7) Addition of all the numbers in other pattern-04: 

See the following diagrams in which each row is highlighted.

Here, two more patterns have the sum of the numbers as the same. For the first pattern, the middle numbers are to be taken from the 1st and second rows, and for the second pattern, we need to take the middle numbers from the 3rd and the 4th row. Please see the following diagram to understand more about this concept.

Fig (27)                           Fig (28)
04 + 19 + 67 + 31  =  121        21 + 02 + 29 + 69  =  121
In the second case,  
see the following diagram.
Fig (29)                       Fig (30)
69 + 18 + 02 + 32  =  121      01 + 33 + 70 + 17  =  121 

Click here for the next part of the magic square.

Friday, May 1, 2015

84-Magic Square-8 (magic square of some particular date Part-2)

In the previous blog, we observed, the addition of all the numbers in each row, column, diagonal and broken diagonal. Today we will discuss some new patterns of the same magic square.

4) Addition of all the numbers in other pattern-01: 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

83-Magic Square-7 (magic square of some particular date Part-1)

Today we will discuss something new about the Magic square prepared for some specific date.

See the following examples for the date 30/04/1968.

Here the 1st row of both the squares is 30/04/1968.

The addition of all the numbers in each row, column, and diagonal is the same. Like this all together we 26 kind of groups in which addition of all these numbers is same. We will discuss all these groups one by one. Let us observe all these groups in the following diagrams.

1) Addition of all the numbers in each row: 

Monday, February 23, 2015

82-5 Colors and 5 Cubes - Fun with mathematics- graph theory

Today, we will see something new, other than our regular study.

We will take 5 colors and 5 cubes. We will paint them in such a way that in some particular position, no color is repeated on any cube to that side. If we look at all the 5 cubes, from the front, we will see that no color is repeated. In the same way, the same situation is there from all the remaining 5 sides.  Now we will see the following diagram.
