NCERT10th MathematicsExercise 2.1Topic: 2 Polynomials
Click here for ⇨ NCERT-10-1-Real Numbers - Ex-1.4
Q1. The graphs of y = p(x) are given in Fig. below, for some polynomials p(x). Find the number of zeroes of p(x), in each case.
1) The graphs of y = p(x), cuts or touches x-axis, means y = 0. The number of zeroes of y = p(x) means y = p(x) = 0.
2) Put y = 0 in the equation, y = p(x), and get all possible values of x, when the given graph is in the equation form.
3) Here, simply observe how many times the graph cuts or touches the x-axis.
I would have said that the final example has five zeros and that these consist of a single zero and two double zeros.