Tuesday, December 19, 2023

167-NCERT-10-6-Triangles - Ex- 6.4

10th Mathematics
Exercise 6.4
Topic: 6 Triangles

Click here for ⇨ NCERT-10-6-Triangles - Ex- 6.3


Q1. Let  ABC ~  DEF and their areas be 64 cm2 and 121 cm2 respectively
If EF = 15.4 cm, find BC.


1) As  ABC ~  DEF, we know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal
to the ratios of the square of corresponding sides of the tringles, so, we have,
A( ABC)/A( DEF) = [(BC)2/(EF)2]
64/121 = [(BC)/(EF)]2
[(BC)/(EF)]2 = 64/121
[(BC)/(15.4)] = 8/11
(BC) = (15.4 x 8)/11
(BC) = (1.4 x 8)
(BC) = 11.2 cm.
2) So, BC = 11.2 cm.

Q2. Diagonals of a trapezium ABCD with AB || DC intersect each other at the
point O. If AB = 2 CD, find the ratio of the areas of triangles AOB and COD. 

1) In trapezium ABCD,  AB || DC, and in  OAB and  OCD, we have,
a) < OAB = < OCD --------- (alternate angles)
b) < OBA = < ODC --------- (alternate angles)
c) < AOB = < COD --------- (vertically opposite angles)
2) So by AAA similarity test, we have,
3) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of

the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,

A( OAB)/A( OCD) = [(AB)2/(CD)2]
A( OAB)/A( OCD) = [(AB)/(CD)]2
A( OAB)/A( OCD) = [2(CD)/(CD)]2
A( OAB)/A( OCD) = [2/1]2
A( OAB)/A( OCD) = 4/1
4) So, the ratio of the areas of triangles AOB and COD is 4:1.

Q3. In the following fig., ABC and DBC are two triangles on the same base BC.

If AD intersects BC at O, show that

[area (∆ ABC)]/[area (∆ DBC)] = AO/DO.



1) We know that the area of a triangle = 1/2 x base x height.
a) A( ABC)/A( DCB) = [1/2 x (BC) x (AM)]/[1/2 x (BC) x (DN)]
b) A( ABC)/A( DCB) = (AM)/(DN) -------- equation 1
2) In  AMO and  DNO,

a) < AMO = < DNO ------ (AM ⊥ BC and AM ⊥ BC)

b) < AOM = < DON ------- (vertically opposite angles)
3) So by AA similarity test, we have,

4) Here we have

(AM)/(DN) = (AO)/(DO) -------- equation 2
5) From equations 1 and 2 we have, 
A( ABC)/A( DCB) = (AO)/(DO), hence proved.

Q4. If the areas of two similar triangles are equal, prove they are congruent. 

1) As  ABC ~  PQR, we know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal
to the ratios of the square of corresponding sides of the tringles, so, we have,
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = [(AB)2/(PQ)2]
1 = [(AB)2/(PQ)2]
[(AB)2/(PQ)2] = 1
(AB)2 = (PQ)2
(AB) = (PQ)
2) Similarly we can prove that, 
(AC) = (PR)
(BC) = (QR)
3) So by the SSS test of congruence, we have,

 ABC   PQR, hence proved.

Q5. D, E, and F are respectively the mid-points of sides AB, BC, and CA of  ABC. Find the ratio of the areas of  DEF and  ABC.

1) As D, E, and F are the mid-points of ∆ ABC, we have DE || AC, and by mid-point

theorem, we have,

DF = (1/2) CB ----------- equation 1
DF = BE       (As E is mid-point of BC) ----------- equation 2
2) So,  DFEB is a parallelogram,
a) < DFE = < DBE --- (opposite angles of a parallelogram) ---- equation 3
3) So,  FDEC is a parallelogram,
a) < FDE = < FCE --- (opposite angles of a parallelogram) ---- equation 4
4) In ∆ DEF and ∆ ABC, and from equations 3 and 4, we have,
a) < DFE = < CBA --- from equation 3
b) < FDE = < BCA --- from equation 4
5) By AA similarity test, we have,
a) ∆ DEF ~ CAB
6) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( DEF)/A( CAB) = [(DF)2/(CB)2]
A( DEF)/A( CAB) = [(DF)/(CB)]2
A( DEF)/A( CAB) = [(1/2)(CB)/(CB)]2 ---- from equation 1
A( DEF)/A( CAB) = [(1/2)]2
A( DEF)/A( CAB) = 1/4
7) So, the ratio of the areas of  DEF and  ABC = 1/4.

Q6. Prove that the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding medians. 

1) It is given that  ABC ~  PQR,

a) < ABC = < PQR --------- equation 1.
b) < BCA = < QRP --------- equation 2.
a) < CAB = < RPQ --------- equation 3.
2) Similarity, we have,
a) (AB)/(PQ) = (BC)/(QR) = (CA)/(RP) --------- equation 4.
3) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = (AB)2/(PQ)2 = (BC)2/(QR)2 = (AC)2/(PR)2 --- equation 5.
4) In  ABD and  PQM, we have,
a) < ABD = < PQM ---- from equation 1.
b) (AB)/(PQ) = (BD)/(QM) ----- (D and M are mid-points of BC and QR).
5) So, by the SAS similarity test,
 ABD ~  PQM --------- equation 6.
6) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( ABD)/A( PQM) = (AB)2/(PQ)2 = (BD)2/(QM)2 = (AD)2/(PM)2 --- equation 7.
7) So from equation 7, we have,
A( ABD)/A( PQM) = (AD)2/(PM)2
8) Hence, it is proved that,
the ratio of the areas of two similar triangles is equal to the square of the ratio of their corresponding medians.

Q7. Prove that the area of an equilateral triangle described on one side of a square is equal to half the area of the equilateral triangle described on one of its diagonals. 


1)  PAB and  QAC are equilateral triangles, so we have,

2) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( PAB)/A( QAC) = (AB)2/(AC)2 --- equation 1
3) In  ABCD is a square, so we have,
(AC) = √2 (AB) --- equation 2
4) From equations 1 and 2,

 A( PAB)/A( QAC) = (AB)2/(AC)2

A( PAB)/A( QAC) = (AB)2/(√2 (AB))2

A( PAB)/A( QAC) = 1/(√2)2
A( PAB)/A( QAC) = 1/2
A( PAB) = (1/2) x [A( QAC)] hence proved.

Q8. ABC and BDE are two equilateral triangles such that D is the mid-point of BC. The ratio of the areas of triangles ABC and BDE is 
(A) 2: 1 (B) 1: 2 (C) 4: 1 (D) 1: 4 

1) As D is the mid-point of BC,

(BC) = 2 (BD) -------- equation 1
2)  ABC and  EBD are equilateral triangles, so we have,
3) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( ABC)/A( EBD) = (BC)2/(BD)2 --- equation 2.
4) From equations 1 and 2 we have,
A( ABC)/A( EBD) = (BC)2/(BD)2 
A( ABC)/A( EBD) = [2(BD)]2/(BD)2
A( ABC)/A( EBD) = [2]2
A( ABC)/A( EBD) = 4/1
5) The ratio of the areas of triangles ABC and EBD is 4:1
6) Answer: (C) 4:1.

Q9. Sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4: 9. Areas of these triangles are in the ratio (A) 2:3 (B) 4:9 (C) 81:16 (D) 16:81


1)  ABC and  PQR are similar triangles, so we have,

2) It is given that (AB)/(PQ) = (BC)/(QR) = (AC)/(PR) = 4/9 --- equation 1. 
3) We know that ratios of the areas of similar triangles are equal to the ratios of
the square of corresponding sides of the triangles, so, we have,
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = (BC)2/(QR)2 --- equation 2.
4) From equations 1 and 2 we have,
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = (BC)2/(QR)2 
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = [4/9]2
A( ABC)/A( PQR) = 16/81
5) The ratio of the areas of triangles ABC and PQR is 16:81
6) Answer: (D) 16:81.

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Click here for ⇨ NCERT-10-6-Triangles - Ex- 6.5

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